woman came to Simon's house, She knew the Lord was there, For when she walked into the room she was greeted by a
stare, She surely must have shocked a few of the people gathered there, As with tear-filled eyes and trembling
hands she took down her long dark hair, And from an alabaster vessel precious ointment filled her hair, As she
wept she kissed his feet and began anointing them. Chorus With her hands, she was touching him, The alpha the
omega, The beginning and the end, And with her hands she was holding on to His, The source of life was right
there in her hands. Now Simon said within his heart, Lord if you only knew the kind of woman that's touching you, But
Jesus knew about her past, He knew about the sin, Yet He saw in her a repentant heart that had come to worship Him. Chorus Now
tell me why do we gather together in His name, Are we like the ones who merely watched, Tell me is that why we came, Are
we like this sister, Do we truly enter in, In spirit and in truth, Have you come to worship Him. With your hands,
are you touching him, And with your heart are you loving Him, And with your hands are you holding on to His, Then
source of life was right there in your hands. Repeat