It was
just a desire at first when Bro. Mark Ballozos has in his heart, to form his own theater group in their church.
For he was a member of Master's Commission Phils.-Asia at that time, with that the desire birthed.
Because he was so blessed with the way MCP actively reached other people for Christ, he passed a written proposal to his Senior
Pastor, but it was denied, telling him that it was not yet the right time for the church to create and have its own theater
group. And because of that, Bro. Mark became frustrated and disappointed, he easily concluded in his mind that it's not his
calling and gift!
past, when he was asked by the Student Council's president for him to handle and create a theater organization in their
School. The desire came back, he taught that it was the right fulfillment in his desire. But eventually, it
didn't last long! However it was the way for him to meet STAIRS (Saved To Train Artists In Reaching Souls)!
as MCP-A, STAIRS stir up more the desire that he has. And after the semester he enrolled... Aim Birthed!
He passed a written proposal again and now it was granted. With the pushed, helped and encouragement of Ptr. Jeof and
Riza Eugenio.
In Additon, Mark requested for an immediate workshop to started it.
And it was so.
NOW, AIM is ready to FIRE!